Business Type
  • Business Type: Wholesale Distribution
  • Primary Business:

LED tulb driver isolated

GU10 E27 Led Driver

open frame led driver

600mA spotlight driver

indoor light power supply

indoor light power supply

indoor light power supply

indoor light power supply

indoor light power supply

water-proof LED driver

Welcome to L&Y LED Power CO., Ltd 


Since 2006, L&Y LED Power has been designing, manufacturing and distributing light emitting diode (LED) lighting products for the commercial, industrial, and residential lighting markets.

Leading provider of high-performance LED lighting Power supply , focusing on quality, reliability, choice and best value.


Fully dedicated to LED development and solutions, L&Y LED Power Inc.. has a strong technological foundation that includes the Top R&D teams in the industry, our expertise covers all aspects of LED lighting power supply, all products are UL approved, designed and manufactured in-house, we provide the better terms of the warranty than any other associates, as well as our technical support and services.


Thanks to all L&Y LED's business partners, our business has been growing rapidly in the past few years, our goal is to provide the finest quality LED Power with reasonable and competitive price to our business partners.